

from $25.00 every month

Name: Daisy

Sex: Doe

Breed: Oberhasli

Physical Description: Brown with chamoisee markings. One of our biggest goats.

Personality: Daisy doesn’t have the happiest past; prior to coming to the sanctuary, she had been mistreated and it had a large impact on her. We are pleased to say that she has made significant improvement and is now known to be a sweet, old girl, but she does have resounding anxiety. She likes her space, but don’t let that fool you. Daisy is such a loving animal that just needs a bit of extra love to let her true personality come through. She does sometimes prefer to be left alone, and that is respected and it is understood that she needs to do things her own way. Her favorite thing in the world is cuddling her daughters and granddaughters.

Story: Daisy didn’t enjoy interacting with people when she first arrived on the sanctuary, and it took her a long time to warm up enough even just to be pet. When she allowed it, we were thrilled to find that she LOVES back scratches. If you scratch just the right spot, she will stick out her tongue and kick her back leg like a dog.

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from $25.00 every month


from $25.00 every month