How little changes can make a big difference
What are reducetarians?
If you take any actions to reduce your animal consumption, be it one meatless day a week, using milk substitutes, or even being full on vegan, you are a reducitarian!To put it very simply, a reducetarian is a person who reduces their consumption of animal products in any way to create better outcomes for farmed animals, the environment, or even themselves. Reducetarians, don’t see these consumptive choices as an all or nothing type of decision. And while we at The Goat Conspiracy would love to see a world where no animal is exploited, we also acknowledge that there are a lot of reasons why a person might not be able to make such a huge change. However, there are many smaller steps towards that goal that people can make that add up. If each person made even a small reduction in their consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy, that would make a massive difference when looked at in the aggregate!
Heres a short video that breaks it down even further: